Supporting our local communities, is at the heart of our brand; with a vision to always create positive social impact. The initiatives range from fundraising and volunteering, to support for local wellbeing and engaging with young people and other groups.

Consistently delivering positive social value across Europe

In each of our European locations, Portakabin delivers positive social value by:

  • Employing locally and working with local supply chains on projects.
  • Engaging and inspiring young people.
  • Donating time through our employee-supported volunteering programme.
  • Supporting charities and acting considerately in our communities.
  1. Volunteering days

    Each Portakabin employee is entitled to spend a day each year working for a charity or organisation of their choice. The activities they undertake could be running an activity at a care home, clearing a school garden, or painting a youth club.

  2. Charitable donations

    Employees involved in charity events, for example running a marathon, can apply for donations of up to €150 for the charity. Larger donations, up to €2,500, are available every six months for sponsorships of sports and activity clubs via a blind draw process.

    NECRET - North East Cancer Research & Education Trust is a charity partner which we have supported by participating in various fundraising events such as the Jersey Day and the Colour Run.

Fully inclusive and free
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